Juice is a podcast receiver and syncing tool for Windows. It allows you to subscribe to podcasts and download them. You can download podcasts with plenty of applications, but Juice is perhaps one of the easiest to use automatic podcast schedulers around. You can subscribe to several podcasts, and Juice will download them when new episodes get released. Also, it will allow you to download all or some of the previous episodes for each subscription.
The application is entirely written in Python, which is highly stable. Also, it features a Bittorrent client. Thus, when you download a podcast encapsulated in a torrent, Juice can download it for you. Sadly, Juice does not have a media player, so you need to have one that can play podcasts. Windows Media Player is no good at it, so you are probably better off downloading an open-source alternative, like VLC.
There is also a scheduler, which you can use to have the application check for new podcasts at regular intervals. It can control both new podcast scans and downloads.
The fact that there isn't a built-in media player is made up for with a Podcast directory. It has a list of considerable size with nice podcasts that you can subscribe to directly from within the application.